UVM Ecological Parasitology Wiki

Iodamoeba butschlii is a type of Amoeba that resides int he human intestine and is known for their very large glycogen vacuoles in their cyst stage. 


This amoebae is a nonpathogenic parasite that resides in the human intestine. It is a benign small cell with a very large glycogen body that is spread through direct contact with human feces. 

Microscopic Observations[]

This amoeba has only one nuclei per cyst and has a very large endosome. It is also known for it very large glycogen vacuole in the cyst stage. The trophozoite stage is harder to differentiate from other amoeba.

Life Cycle[]

The cyst is ingested through the mouth of a human. This excysts in the lower ileum and then multiplies by binary fission. The trophazoite resides in the lumen of the colon if it is deficated at this stage it dies in the environment. If it becomes a cyst it can survive in the environment, due to its harder exterior, until is it then transmitted to another human through ingestion of the feces. 
